From The Roof Doctor:
“I wish you would have come to me sooner…now you’ve got big problems.” You can protect and keep yourself healthy with some good basics–rest, diet and exercise. If you own or manage a business, you have a responsibility to protect it with some good basics, as well. Your roof is one of those basics.
“Please don’t make me give you the bad news”
Just like your body and mind, your roof can get weak and be susceptible to injury. And injury leads to major and possibly permanent damage. Just like we should get our selves and loved ones to the doctor sooner than later, we should have the same mindset when it comes time to protecting our business. It isn’t smart to wait until you have damage. You need to be proactive, and preventative maintenance is key to keeping your business healthy.
Just like your heart, blood pressure and sugar levels that are out of sight, but not completely out of mind, you should have the same take on your roof–small fixes are always less stressful and more recoverable than major problems.
Your roof represents 30% of your building, but protects 100% of your assets…
Take preventive steps to protect your investment. Just like you maintain security systems, locks, firewalls, computer securities–all these things work to protect the investment in your businesses.
Mother Nature is always around, just like a bad cold…
Don’t fall into the trap of thinking I feel great, or “this roof is only 5 years old, we’re fine”. Heavy winds, sun, rainfall, debris, material failure etc. can damage a roof no matter what it’s condition or age.
A quick “check-up” is the only way to be sure your roof is in good health…
Prolonging the life of your roof is as easy as a bi-annual check-up. Taking care of a sick roof on the front end usually translates into less expensive repair costs, less frustrations, and uninterrupted business.