When beginning to think about a needing to hire a roofing contractor, it can be overwhelming the number of roofing companies that are available to choose from. To narrow down your search, keep in mind the following tips when considering your next roofing contractor.

  1. Ensure that the roofing contractor is a licensed professional. This should be stated on the company’s website and when you search for them via the internet. This should not be a hard fact to find.
  2. Research Reviews from previous customers. Most companies are proud of their work and satisfied customers, so you should be able to find reviews on their website. However, it is always a good idea to keep looking at review sites to find your own reviews, outside of what the company has posted.Some additional resources to consider when searching reviews and ratings:
    1. Angie’s List – With Angie’s List you get real reviews from real consumers. No participants can pay to get added to the list of contractors that Angie’s List uses. This is a great site to use because there are hundreds of recommendations on this one site to review.
    2. NRCA (National Roofing Contractors Association) – this site allows you to put your zip code in and it will locate a reputable company for you. The NRCA is the go-to authority when it comes to roofing and holds one of the best reputations in the construction industry.
    3. Better Business Bureau – The BBB has reviews on roofing companies that will give you the “thumbs-up” or the “thumbs-down” whether or not the company you are considering will do quality work so you get the most out of your money.
  3. Making sure company is insured. Using a company that is has insurance, makes sure that you as a consumer are insured during the project process. Reputable companies are always insured.