If you’re a homeowner or commercial property owner in Ft. Lauderdale, roof repairs are probably a part of your life. You already know the challenges that our southern Florida climate presents to a structure’s roof. While our winters and springs are sunny and mild (a fact that is apparently taught to every New Yorker and Canadian at birth) our summers and falls are filled with insufferable heat, high humidity, torrential rains and hurricane strength winds. It’s not easy being a roof in Florida.
Roof repairs will be a part of every property owner’s life but there are steps that you can take to minimize the cost and inconvenience.

  • The easiest way to prevent major roof repairs is a regularly scheduled inspection of your roof. That said, you still need to be aware of damage that can occur between inspections. After a big blow or heavy rains have a look at joining surfaces like vents, flashing and chimneys. Any breach in the roof will allow moisture and moisture leads to rot and mold. Repairs should be made ASAP to minimize damage.
  • Find a roofer before you need one. Selecting a reputable roofer takes a bit of work on your part and it’s easier and less stressful to do the vetting before you need repairs than it is when your roof is leaking and water is pouring in. At a minimum you want a roofer who is licensed with the state and who is adequately insured (particularly for workmen’s compensation). You can confirm both license and insurance status at Florida state websites for DBPR and the Dept. of Financial Services.
  • When the time comes that you do have to engage a roofer for repairs, make certain the contract spells out just what is, and what is not included. Don’t assume that the materials used will be of the same quality of your existing roof or that any debris created will be removed by the contractor. Get it in writing.

Florida is a great place to live and do business. If you prepare yourself for the inevitable roofing issues you’ll make life that much better.