Please let me introduce…

  • Ana
  • Bill
  • Claudette
  • Danny
  • Erika
  • Fred
  • Grace
  • Henri
  • Ida
  • Joaquin
  • Kate
  • Larry
  • Mindy
  • Nicholas
  • Odette
  • Peter
  • Rose
  • Sam
  • Teresa
  • Victor
  • Wanda

Do you know anyone by these names? If so, you can congratulate them on being one of the  2015 designated storm names! As a south Florida resident and roof-owner I hope that we have a quiet season, as a roofing contractor, Rainbow Roofing Solutions is ready to help you inspect and prepare your roof to get through this storm season without a hitch. Should one of those names above turn into a major storm, Rainbow Roofing will also be there to help you with emergency repairs. Call us now before those names become active! 888-788-3716 or email me,