The Hurricane Season runs from June 1 through November 30 and no matter the forecast, the need to be prepared is always vital. Extreme weather conditions can expose weaknesses in your roofing system and even the smallest unattended issue could quickly develop into a catastrophe.

Proactive measures are the key to shielding your building or home’s roof from the devastating effects of a major storm. Rainbow Roofing Solutions suggests taking these three steps to make sure you’re covered for nature’s worst in Broward County and Palm Beach County, Florida.

Inspect Roof. Appearances matter.  If some roof elements look shoddy, chances are there is something wrong.  Loose or missing shingles, cracked or slipped roof tiles are indications that something is not quite right and needs to be addressed. Sheet metal flashings which are rusted are a sign of deterioration. Another important element in your roof assembly are your gutters. Leaves, granules or any other debris which could inhibit the flow of rainwater and cause the gutters to back up will most likely result in a roof leak eventually.

Inspect Ceiling. Check your ceilings for signs of discoloration or cracking. Both these conditions are signs that water is getting into the roof.

Inspect Property. Cutting back tree limbs and branches that overhang the roof is also an important step in properly preparing for hurricanes and heavy rains. Limbs or branches that break off during a storm can cause severe damage.

If your inspections reveal concerns – or if you feel unqualified to perform the tasks – solicit the help of a Rainbow Roofing Technician to determine whether repairs are needed. He’ll be able to provide you with an estimate of cost and make practical recommendations to strengthen your roof for the season in Davie, Plantation and all of Broward County and Palm Beach County, Florida.

At the start of another Florida hurricane season, taking precautions to prevent unnecessary property damage and physical harm is critical.  From Andrew and Charley, to Wilma and Irma, regardless of what they name a hurricane, the name to remember for storm-ready roofing services is Rainbow Roofing Solutions.